Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Confidentiality Statement On Fax Cover

pipette and Wine Cellar sweep the day!!

Jury Prize :
Narrator: Philip Rapiteau

Prices of Internet users:
Tupperwiner Chief: Fabrice Glatin

And two more! Two new
Wine Blog Trophy awarded to two major wine lovers.
Two guys with different personalities but animated by the same desire to exchange and share their passion on the canvas.
Two unique styles of writing but of texts, reading them, provide the same desire to open a good bottle.
Two men we had fun reading and meet for two days.
Two guys who were on Monday 4 / 02 to show Loire wines like two kids in a toy store with the same eyes that sparkle.
Two guys moved when they received their award before an audience of young sommeliers.
And in the end for us, two beautiful and above all the meetings you want, Internet voting, bloggers nominated or winners, jury, wine lovers, continue the adventure, well beyond the blogs ....

Hasta la vi (n) sta!

The WBT Team