Guide economy fair
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Fair Economy Guide
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Contact: Sylvie Mayer - Jean Pierre Caldier tel 06 81 74 10 13
After the award of 5 prizes of 3000 euros each and the appointments of six projects, Sylvie and John Mayer Pierre-sponsors Caldier coordinators Guide Fair Economy (10 co-sponsors from the worlds of social economy, fair trade ...) have also promised to support projects that have won awards or nominations.
is why during our next trip to the conference we will meet with project leaders who will be on our way.
Their projects are more social value and / or environmental and / or fair for their region.
You want to know and make known
You want to attend one of our next meetings. make contact to inform you of the place and time.
At the invitation of Works CCAS EDF we Seignosse 23 and July 24 in Bidart.
The trip will allow us to meet nine of the 66 projects
* Tuesday, July 22
Recreation-ANLP Antenna Nature Heritage Cognac region CLICK
33.BORDEAUX Ambares
-Horizon Cooperative of Ethics Coop'Alpha activity and employment in Region Ambares Ormot CLICK
* Thursday, July 24
-together 'Earth The objective of the association is to develop a democratic tool: labeling IACA (for the Inform'Action consum'actors). CLICK
* Friday, July 25
-ADEL Association for equitable development and local area Tarbes CLICK
Palabres without Borders (training, events and trips solidarity) Toulouse CLICK
Arts and Ecology Promotion Association and experimental art and ecology focused on a coffee associative Vieillevigne 31 CLICK
* Saturday, July 26
82.MONTAUBAN The City-God
Collective Humanity to a Fair (objective sustain the Festival in 2008 established the 12 September 13 and 14, then build an eco village near the community of Emmaus 82 with a portion of re-integration with market gardening CLICK
81.ALBI Valders
Blotters-O A team of volunteers from the village of Valders (Albi Region) and created around the bar associations of the Blotters O in June 2007 CLICK
Contact with the Midi Pyrenees is also directed to refer all projects for the region early July
two contacts were held with elected representatives of the Rhone Alpes region to discuss all projects that Reg
* At the initiative of two CRESS Burgundy displacement of the sponsors are already covered by part of the events organized within the month of the Social Economy and Solidarity in November
CONTACT: Sylvie Mayer - Jean Pierre Caldier tel 06 81 74 10 13