They pursue their project
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Emmaus 82, Tarn-et-Garonne
Domaine Panouillé
Tel: 0563315145 Fax: 0563316472
email: emmaus82@wanadoo.fr
Channel: http://emmaus82.praksys.net
We are pleased to invite you to:
GA - AGE Emmaus 82, Tarn-et-Garonne and the Debate:
Between Utopia and Reality, how we build our human dignity?
With the presence of the President Emmaus France: Mr. Christophe DELTOMBE
Emmaus 82, Tarn et Garonne, furthered its association project by building a dynamic
consistent with the values of solidarity economy and sustainable development.
In this context, we experience since 2005 operation of participatory democracy with
the Community Council of Directors. The creation of this space of expression and participation in decisions of the association is one of the directions of civic integration and shared responsibility that we data.
It is high time to take stock and to consider further action in this adventure militant
to validate the legal and recognized as important action of the association.
Thus, we invite you to come live with us this time of reflection, encounter,
debate testimonials ... Because it is a project before any human collective. We would like to invite you
an afternoon of dialogue and exchange! On November 7, 2009
room annex to the Chapel of St. Thérèse, 130 Av Charles de Gaulle 82000 MONTAUBAN