Lilac Planet Report 2009 Activity
commitments required
Philippe Maingault
http: / / planet-lilas.ouvaton.org
12 rue Antoine Bourdelle 94400 Vitry sur Seine
Designed broadly in 2005-2006, the project began on April 1 2007 in Vitry sur Seine is to develop economic activities field from an organic gardening and link them to a set of social activities, recreational, educational and cultural activities.
This project has received a price guide for Fair Economy About find more details about project presentation
Progress Report In 2009, the main activities of Planet Lilac were:
short-circuit Vegetable growing agricultural bio-fair "(3000 m² in 2007, 8000 sq m in 2008 and 17000 in 2009 with the cultivation of new land near Thiais and commissioning of the 2 tunnels gardeners.
-Popular Education and community life (1 output with CCV at Georges Toutain, discovered alternatives, involvement in seven local festivals in the park, or in neighborhoods in Vitry, organization of urban ballads 2 meeting other associations, a panel discussion on agro-ecology with Fabien) And of course, picnic, including some evening events at the coming of SCI volunteers.
-Tours and / or educational workshops with children in recreation centers Vitry (35 sessions) and visits with college students as part of the work done the Festival of the OH and adolescents whose festival Oh from December 2009 (30 to 40 visits per year scheduled)
-Home Volunteer Work Camps: 1 yard of 10 days in May with 16 young referred by the State and the European Union "Youth with fewer opportunities".
3 yards volunteering for 20 days with 40 young people in all during the 2 summer months.
Embryo-air bars and cooperative buying group
Training provided to Farmer Home Dordogne (How to combine equity and accessibility in the network "Home Farmer".
2 mini-conferences including one titled "the price of things" and a consumption-
Citizen Participation Commission Sidoresto (Union of Municipalities for restoration) and in particular the Commission "Procurement organic fruits and vegetables" as partner Advisory
Activities related to the development of Planet Purple:
- Bts Partnership with the "Design Space" of the Ecole Boulle for development of the 5 th plot. This partnership was very successful and should continue in 2010.
- Study on the feasibility of mounting a site insertion, we decided after the study to stay proceedings and to direct our work towards social inclusion coaching workshops with disabilities, people experiencing psychological problems (partnership that began with the spring SAMSAH 2010). Contact the center for social develop projects in common, this has not led yet.
- Business Partnership and educational exchange with George and Jean Toutain, agroecologists with whom we work (essential oils)
- Development of relations with Val Bio (racks of the Loire Valley) for a possible installation common in the former premises Ponthieu possibly with other actors (including Common Vitry)
- Buy products from Andean (foreshadowing the grocery cooperative buying group
- Development through Sabine and Carine relations with Amapa Feuillantines and 13 Amap. Sabine and Carine would eventually settle on Earth as vegetable Lilas.
Partnerships key;
They are many:
Municipality, department of Val de Marne, Conseil RĂ©gional
Other funding ; France Active, Cicadas and Gate Money put into play
Association; Service Civil International, Minga, Network AMAP Ile de France, Centre culturel de Vitry
Regular contacts and various partnerships, lilac, baskets of Val de Loire, Design Bts Ecole Boulle, Jean Georges and Toutain, agro -ecologists, bookstore "Want to read Ivry"
grouping of consumers and 13 Feuillantines AMAP AMAP. Gentillamap (ongoing)
In addition, we provide various services to the entertainment centers of primary Vitry, centers pre-teens, college students through visits to the Festival de l'Oh and the SAMSAH (since 2010)
Governance: It
a rather complicated problem and we have not addressed properly due to lack of sufficient time and thought.
must first think about what we are.
We are under voluntary status, but our business is hybrid.
Note that previously the material belongs to the association and that the association is bound by the Convention with the Department (Convention of 5 years of providing the space and land).
Employees gardeners are largely engaged in an economic approach (short-circuit "organic fair trade") but the coordinator's task develop the economic part while pulses as the associative dynamics.
Volunteers help in part to the economic action of the association (baskets, retail sales, harvesting, planting ...) without being in an employment relationship (no subordination, no mandatory schedules, not Bond performance but need to do the best possible). Their active participation is found in AMAP to harvest some vegetables complicated ... but this goes further participation in Lilac Planet. That also allows the vegetables are more affordable than in Other AMAP (see report of June 2010 France Active).
So there, beyond usability, social ties and educational provision, a form of economic return to such participation. The contribution of each may however not be measured because it is voluntary and not a local exchange (salt).
Volunteers participate and also implement other more conventional associations (parties, meetings, rides, wine tasting ... and since 2010 the shared garden being installed on the 5 th plot).
Employees are not workers as partners in a cooperative but have a strong self-management project supervised by the association and direction of the General Assembly and the Board.
It is from this peculiarity that he must think about our forms of governance.
conflicts took place in CA in 2009 and focused in part on the distribution of power.
Who should decide what? How to combine certain decisions and certain emergencies?
For now, we submit the idea that members are supporters in the first year (our statutes provide for this possibility) and they then decide their status according to their involvement.
We need to develop gradually as an internal regulation for the lack of formalization leads to conflicts especially in terms of turnover.
We propose not to move the overall price for the moment, except marginal correction. We could do an AG at the end of the year focusing on issues of price, equity and economic balance.
new Objectives 2010:
-Development gardening activities on 3 ha. Gradual transition to 150 baskets per week (effective from mid-2010). Investment needed. Hiring
possible (by insertion) and establishment of a partnership contract with Sabine and Carine
-Establishment and development of a cooperative buying group of complementary products
-Development of shared garden
-Continued work on the local-Ponthieu
Educational workshops developing
http://lesprixduguideeconomieequitable.blogspot.com/search/label/450.Plan% C3% A8te% 20Lilas