30) Question / Partitions: price supply
Hello I am Swiss and I stumbled by chance on your site concernat the plasterboard .. . and a wealth of information coming from an expert ... really well done.
I am writing because I intend to build a new home in Switzerland, but here we do not build too with plasterboard or not at all .... home is all brick. You
is it possible for me to quantify approximately the price of materials (not labor) for a ceiling of about 200m2.
This ceiling is suspended in a farmhouse (non amménagée attic). In fact I know the price of plasterboard and scrap metal. And
approx 200m2 of partitions (400m2 if there are 2 sides) with plasterboard and BA13 rail of 48 I think .... what price should it for materials only (+ plasterboard scrap).
Thanks in advance for your reply as soon as my work have begun, I will draw on and share information about your site.
PS: You can give me the price that you found in your euro because I'll definitely buy it in France (or should I buy it)
me again ... sorry for the price of the partitions is for both sides or just one side
really help me thank you very much ... Thank
last question .... partitions in the price, get 2 layers of BA13 from each side thank you
30) Answer / Partitions: price supply
Hello: According to the 2004 for the ceiling Batiprix you € 5.71 per m2 and € 9.95 for partitions per m2. It is better to add an additional 10% as prices rose.
I can only give you an estimate, because prices vary from one region to another. The price is understood the screws, coating and strip joints.
soon. Jorge
In this price everything is included, also for the 2 sides of the wall, rails, posts, glass wool of the partition. Unless the ceiling insulation. A + Bj Jorge
: in the price of plasterboard I put a diaper on each side. It's the only way to recover standard millwork draw to go. A + Jorge
Hello I am Swiss and I stumbled by chance on your site concernat the plasterboard .. . and a wealth of information coming from an expert ... really well done.
I am writing because I intend to build a new home in Switzerland, but here we do not build too with plasterboard or not at all .... home is all brick. You
is it possible for me to quantify approximately the price of materials (not labor) for a ceiling of about 200m2.
This ceiling is suspended in a farmhouse (non amménagée attic). In fact I know the price of plasterboard and scrap metal. And
approx 200m2 of partitions (400m2 if there are 2 sides) with plasterboard and BA13 rail of 48 I think .... what price should it for materials only (+ plasterboard scrap).
Thanks in advance for your reply as soon as my work have begun, I will draw on and share information about your site.
PS: You can give me the price that you found in your euro because I'll definitely buy it in France (or should I buy it)
me again ... sorry for the price of the partitions is for both sides or just one side
really help me thank you very much ... Thank
last question .... partitions in the price, get 2 layers of BA13 from each side thank you
30) Answer / Partitions: price supply
Hello: According to the 2004 for the ceiling Batiprix you € 5.71 per m2 and € 9.95 for partitions per m2. It is better to add an additional 10% as prices rose.
I can only give you an estimate, because prices vary from one region to another. The price is understood the screws, coating and strip joints.
soon. Jorge
In this price everything is included, also for the 2 sides of the wall, rails, posts, glass wool of the partition. Unless the ceiling insulation. A + Bj Jorge
: in the price of plasterboard I put a diaper on each side. It's the only way to recover standard millwork draw to go. A + Jorge
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